Dyslexia Intervention

Are You Ready For Your Child To Get Great Grades?

Build the skills needed for reading and other academics

  • Improve your child’s love for learning something new
  • Enhance your child’s ability to absorb a new subject and retain the memory
  • Help your child get spectacular grades and catch up to their peers

Help your child succeed in school and in life. This system will enhance the natural skills your child has and help him or her tap into their core problems with learning and solve them at their roots

Free 15 Day Trial

If it’s not right for you simply cancel and pay nothing. Two convenient payment options. $49 a month or pay yearly and save!

My husband and I came across The Learning Success System while looking for something we could do to aide our 7-year-old daughter. She was diagnosed with Dyslexia and we needed something that we could do with her that summer. As soon as we started with Liz’s program, our daughter had better focus in less than three days. In a bit over two weeks, she would ask for the exercises before she had to read or wanted to write. Eye Saccades is her favorite! I completely recommend this learning system for any child, and the sooner/younger the better.

Downloadable Lessons Delivered Daily By Email. Takes 15 Minutes Per Day

As a gifted educator (K-12) and beyond, who has been using your programme with my students for months now; I find it helpful, well thought through and find it is logical, pedagogically sound; and can also see that clearly it is largely research-based

Amy’s concentration has improved a lot in class. She isn’t as easily distracted and can work on tasks for longer periods of time. Her handwriting is also smaller and neater.

My son did the VERY expensive Scientific Learning Brain Pro program. He HATED it. The only thing that kept him doing the exercises was that he was earning his new XBOX one. And even then he complained and tried to avoid it. I was constantly trying to avoid the power struggle. I have NONE of that with your program.

Embrace Your Child's True Brilliance


Sometimes the smartest children don't perform well in school. 

More and more parents have realized how outdated our school system is. It is a cookie-cutter approach. Originally designed to pump out factory workers. Unique children with unique minds don't thrive in that approach.

Schools do not serve unique learners well. They do not bring out their true potential. They do not let your child's brilliance shine.

Because they miss critical elements needed for learning.

You can add in the missing elements. You can give them the help they are not getting. The help they will never get from standard education.

  • Schools do not enhance creativity.
  • Standardized testing does not set students up for success. 
  • Schools do not focus on your child's unique intelligence.

You can do these things for your child.

The Learning Success System gives parents the tools they need. The tools to help children excel at school and go on to succeed in life.
And it only takes about 15 minutes per day


"Embrace Your Child's Brilliance and Unleash Their True Potential!"

My daughter has responded very well to the activities. She’s improving and we’re so excited. I am so thankful that we found this program! We will make sure to refer other parents who might benefit.

The Only System That Addresses All Parts Of The Problem

Most systems fail because they only focus on one part of the problem. Treating a child like a computer will not work. Our brains, our bodies, and our emotions all work together. All of these must be addressed together. Emotional, physical, sensory, and cognitive.

  • Restore Confidence 
  • Enhance The Minds Own Natural Ability To Grow And Develop
  • Build Up the Cognitive Micro-Skills 
  • Strengthen Executive Functioning Skills
  • Bring Back Your Child's Love of Learning

Get the Learning Success System today and get your child started towards a bright future.


It was so good to finally find the core problems!

Stop the “I’m Not Smart” Struggle Now!


Are you afraid that your child is going to quickly fall behind their peers? Is your child quickly losing self-confidence and beginning to wonder if they are “not-smart”?

Does your child exhibit any of these symptoms:
  • Lost Confidence – Frustration – Discouragement
  • Avoidance – Delaying – Procrastination
  • Feels Stupid – Afraid of Failing
  • Easily Distracted – Fidgety – Hyperactive
  • Shuts Down – Goes Blank – Stares Off
  • Low Effort – Seems Lazy – Takes Too Long To Do Homework
  • Crying – Tantrums – Stubborn


Stop The Struggle Now!




I can honestly say that I have already started to see a change in my son…not so much with his ability to learn (that can take at least 3 months), but more so in his attitude about learning. He is excited to do the program, and I will admit, that the lessons are fun!

Get Back Those Countless Hours Wasted On Fighting Over School Work


Does homework take longer than it should? 

Does your child take longer to get homework done because they: 

  • Hate reading?
  • Hate math?
  • Hate Homework?
  • Lose the skills they just learned?

More homework won't help. You've already tried that. Yet that's often what the school suggests. 

Instead, help your child build up their learning skills. 

Then watch them love learning again. Watch them get great grades. Watch them surpass their peers.

Use the Learning Success System To Get Your Child Back on Track.


Stop Wasting Precious Time! 



Improve Focus

Does your child struggle with organizational problems such as:
  • Lack of focus?
  • Getting tasks done on time?
  • Trouble following instructions?
  • Have difficulty remembering things?
  • Have difficulty completing tasks?
  • Disorganized?
It doesn't have to be that way. These are skills. Your child can learn these skills. Our simple system is the answer.
Your Child Deserves To Get Good Grades

There Is A Solution





 Join other parents who have used the Learning Success System to:
  • Build up fundamental learning skills
  • Increase self-confidence
  • Master emotions.
  • Trigger neuroplasticity
  • Integrate the brain regions
  • Integrate the senses


They used the Learning Success System. A simple step-by-step approach.



The Learning Success System



Do the Learning Success System from the comfort of your own home.

Created by the combined expertise of:

  • Teachers
  • Educational therapists
  • Psychologists
  • Mind-body and proprioception experts
  • Nutritionists
  • Motivation experts

They've created a complete solution. A system that solves every aspect of a learning struggle.  You get all that expertise. Right in your home any time you need it.

Give your child the gift of improved learning.


Watch your child enjoy taking on new learning challenges.

Imagine Your Child Finally Enjoying School.



Build Up The Building Blocks Of Learning



Because the Learning Success System builds up core learning skills it improves:
  • Reading
  • Spelling
  • Math
  • Writing
  • and more
Stop treating just the symptoms. Get to the underlying problem and fix it.

What You Get



Daily Instructional Emails – We keep you on track with our daily instructional emails. Each email:

  • Introduces the next exercise
  • Explains the exercise
  • Explains the purpose of that exercise

Making it very easy for you to help your child.

Video Explanations – Each exercise comes with a video tutorial. Explaining exactly how to do that exercise. This makes it very easy to follow and do.

New Exercises Added Monthly – Each month we add a new set of exercises to your account. Your account is always fresh with new and fun exercises.

Member Forums – Interact with other parents helping their children. A lot of great things happen in our member forums.

Access to Learning Professionals – Our team members are here to help. They'll give professional advice in the expert forums. Ask a question and get it answered by a professional.

Exercises come in a variety of formats. Some are videos that you follow along. Some are game-like animations. Some are downloadables.  Some are audibles that you follow along with.


All are easy and well explained. Making it very easy for you to understand and do with your child.



Don’t Make These Mistakes
People try so many things:
  • Learning Centers
  • Tutors
  • Extra homework
  • Special classes

"But if you don't get to the core problem these things just make it worse"




Treat All Aspects of the Problem



Learning struggles need a multi-pronged approach. It is critical to address each part of the problem. Single approach systems fail.

The Learning Success System covers all aspects of overcoming a learning struggle. Each is needed for success


  1. Build up cognitive micro-skills
  2. Develop self-confidence and determination
  3. Manage emotions
  4. Trigger neuroplasticity






Built By A Team Of Experts



Learning Success Staff

Experts in:
  • Educational and occupational therapy
  • Psychology and communication
  • Mind-body integration
  • Proprioception and motor skills
  • Nutrition
  • Education
  • Personal experience in raising a child with a learning difficulty

This multi-pronged approach makes the Learning Success System unique and effective. When a child struggles in school it's not only academics that are affected. It's emotional as well.


To overcome a learning struggle a child needs help in all of the above skills. It takes a team. So that's what we created. 

Get This Team Helping Your Child

Get the Learning Success System

Improve Grades


What would better grades feel like?

Who would be happier? You’re child? You? Grandparents? Teachers? Your whole family?

The Peace Of Mind

How would it feel to know that your child is on the right path? The path to enjoying school. The path to a good education. The path to a good career. The path to being happy and having a happy family of their own.

Strong learning skills mean being at grade level or above. How would it feel when your child is ahead of the class? Enjoying school and gaining self-confidence.

Increased self-confidence leads to a lot of great things. Like being more creative. Like being more independent. Getting things done on their own. Self-confidence is the key to a happy and productive life. 

When a learning struggle happens confidence plummets. 

All parents should use the confidence techniques in the Learning Success System. It's even more important for parents of struggling students.

Once you improve confidence the avoidance tactics will disappear.

No more tantrums, crying, acting lazy, or shutting down. And your child will no longer feel like they are stupid.

Improved learning skills gives your child the ability to excel in academics. Getting a good education leads them to a better future. 

Imagine a better future for your child. What would that look like?  You'll be thrilled with your investment in the Learning Success System   

Decide today to help your child become a great student and a successful learner 

Improve Executive Function Skills



Boy doing homework

Executive function skills are essential to learning and so much more. These skills include paying attention, organizing, planning, and prioritizing, staying on task, and regulating emotions. A tremendous amount of research shows that these are the skills of long term success.

For example

  • Improving Self-Control has been shown to improve math ability and also lead to stronger literacy skills
  • The ability to follow directions leads to more involved students who actively participate in the classroom
  • The ability to pay attention and focus is a major predictor of a child's future levels of achievement


Imagine what it would be like if your child had greater self-control, could follow instructions better, and had stronger focus skills.


"Research Has Shown That Improving These Skills Has A Dramatic Effect On Your Child's School Performance"

Improve Cognitive Skills

There is a myth that has been floating around for over a hundred years. Recent science has completely disproven it.


It Is The Myth That Brains Don't Change




A brain that is constantly stimulated is a growing and developing brain.


The myth is extremely damaging because when people assume brains don't change, they don't. Because they do not give them the stimulation needed. Don't fall into that myth.


It's like the story of "The Tortoise and the Hare".  Working with your child, over time, causes dramatic changes in cognitive skills. It is this practice of life long skill development that leads to high achievement. It's not where a child starts, it's the process. So if your child has fallen behind don't worry. You can change that. And it's best to start today.


Cognitive Skills Include:

Working Memory

Logical Thinking

Visual-Spatial Thinking


Start developing them in your child today!



What Other Parents Are Saying

My daughter has never completed her homework without me telling (begging, pleading, etc.) her to. Yesterday, she was doing her homework, without me even asking. She said, “I finished my homework. You can check it when we get home.”

I GREATLY appreciate the program!!! We have tried other things, but none gave us the immediate success that your program has! One child says they NEED to start their home school day with the exercises, since it makes her other work easier.

He is doing grade level work now. I am very happy. The teacher says he is doing great! He was having problems with his reading but he is doing very good now. I thought it really helped him. The tutor said she can’t see dyslexia traits anymore.
How It Works

1) Immediately upon purchasing you will be given access to the member's portal. In the lessons section of the portal, you will have access to your first month's lessons. This is to give you easy access to all of the lessons and keep things organized.


2) Each day you will receive an email. That email will tell you which lesson to do and provide further instructions for that lesson.


3) Each lesson takes approximately 2-3 minutes. Some will be very easy and some will be slightly more challenging. If a lesson is extremely easy you just do it a few times over a few days and then move on. If a lesson is more challenging you will continue to do that lesson each day until it becomes very easy. 


A 15 Minute Routine

By doing the above you will be building up a daily routine. That routine should last for about 15 minutes. If it is less than that you will add more lessons into the routine. If it starts to get longer you stop adding lessons to the routine until the ones you are working on become easy and you can move on. 


This process makes for an ever-changing routine that your child will enjoy. Most children find it very fun. Since it is nothing like school work they often consider it a game and have fun with it. 


Access to Helpful Members and Experts

You also get immediate access to the member forums where you can ask questions of other parents and our experts.


Enhance Your Child's Natural Learning Ability

These small, easy exercises build up your child's natural learning ability over time. This makes school work easier for them. As their skills build homework resistance fades and grades improve.


Once your child regains their confidence and has built up their learning skills they will begin to excel in school. Catching up to and often surpassing their peers. 




You Must Act Now!



Your child is either moving backward or forwards.


When there is a learning struggle things can go from bad to worse quickly.


Every day is a new risk that your child will have that moment that is just too embarrassing and frightening to handle. 


Every day this goes on your child slips further and further into lower self-esteem, more frustration, and more fear. Making it harder and harder to recover. Go too long and the chances of turning this around become slim.


So it is critically important to act fast and get your child on an improvement path today. Letting it go another day just makes it harder on your child. Every day that goes by is painful for your child. Act today and get back your happy smart child.


Click the button below and get started. You'll get immediate access!



I can't wait to see your child on the path to success.

Founder – Learning Success



Our guarantee. Try the program and if you do not see an improvement in your child simply send us the completed worksheets and we will issue a full refund. Simple as that.

Your Free Gifts

Act Now to Get These free Bonusses

The Overly Emotional Child
A full length documentary explaining why children ofen have big emotions and how to help them manage them. Learn to eliminate tantrums and improve behavior in a loving way.

When children have big emotions it can be frustrating for parents. The concepts presented in this documentary film will help parents understand why children become overly emotional plus how to help children manage them. Learn how to tame the tantrums, crying, or shutting down. Resulting in better behavior, increased emotional intelligence, and a stronger parent-child bond.

Private Members Forum
Learn from other parents and educational therapy experts in our private members forum.

It’s important to have expert help when you need it. Or to get advice from other parents who have been through this. So we set up a private members forum for you to ask questions. You’ll get answers from our experts and also from other parents who are working through the same things as you. Our experts not only have a lot of knowledge, but they have been through this as well. Most of them have helped their own kids through learning struggles. So they understand what you are going through.

Dyslexia Specific Exercises.
The program is designed to build up all micro-skills. However extra, dyslexia specific, exercises are added so that if dyslexia is a known issue you can focus more on those exercises.

Specific exercises treat all forms of dyslexia including phonological, visual, and directional. Easy exercises that develop all of the micro-skills typically weak in dyslexics.

Dyscalculia Specific Exercises
To allow you to give extra attention to dyscalculia specific problems if needed. (Dyscalculia is a math disability)

Specific exercises help with math micro-skills such as visual memory, visual memory manipulation, and visual discrimination. Easy exercises treat all of the micro-skills typically weak in dyscalculics.

Handwriting Exercises – Dysgraphia
Handwriting is important to learning. Developing the connection between the brain, the eyes and the hand is critical. It will help in other areas. And because there is less and less focus on this in school, we feel that it is important to get practice in this area. So we have added lots of extra handwriting exercises.

Brain Balancing Exercises
Brain balancing exercises are beneficial for everyone. So we’ve thrown in a complete series of them.

Access to Learning Professionals
Whether its a quick question or a deeper discussion, having an experienced professional to ask can make all the difference.

Our members forum is the perfect place for that. Ask a question and one of our professionals will be there for you. Our team members regularly frequent the forums looking to help our member parents.

Daily Instructional Emails
We want to keep you on track. Email is a great way to do this. The emails not only remind you that it’s time to login and do an exercise, but they also provide more detail on the purpose of each exercise and how to do it. Our members have told us they love this bonus because it keeps them motivated and on track.

Advanced Proprioception Exercises
Once you see the effects of developing your child’s proprioception you are going to want more. So we’ve developed a complete advanced proprioception series so you can take it to the next level when you are ready
Parents Are The Key To A Child’s Success

If there is one thing that the research shows more than anything it is that parent involvement is the key.


Parents who work directly with their children on these skills raise the most successful children.


So no matter what school help you get. No matter what professionals you work with. No one  can have the impact that you can. You are the expert in your child. No one else can compare.


This has been proven over and over.


With the right tools, you will have a bigger effect on the outcome than any other person. And the earlier you start the easier it will be to make that change happen. Start Today!

“How your child can overcome dyslexia, develop fantastic reading skills, gain incredible self-confidence, and bring home a report card filled with amazing grades”

Hi, I’m Liz Weaver and I’ve helped hundreds of children overcome dyslexia.

Not everyone has your child’s best interest as their primary concern. Why? Because it’s usually not profitable for them.

They might not give you the best advice and here’s why:

What the public schools don’t tell you

Public schools are not geared to help a child that is having difficulty. And it may not be in the school’s best interest to help anyway. Schools get lots of extra funding for remedial classes. So when a child is having a problem they will most likely get placed in these classes. These classes are not designed to fix the problem. Instead, they give remedial work so the child can just pass. It is really no more than just warehousing the kids until they graduate. They are not given a quality education. Schools are required to give an education. They are not required to give a quality education.

What Private schools won’t tell you

Expensive private schools are under a lot of pressure for all of their students to be above average. Their reputations depend on it. They get a lot of pressure to put on good appearances. Problems can get covered up instead of fixed.

What the learning centers won’t tell you

Learning centers depend on children needing their services. So getting to the core problems might not be as profitable as long-term contracts. Usually what a child needs is strengthening of core learning skills. Instead, they work on academics.

“Working on academics when core learning skills are the problem is like taking your car to the mechanic when what it really needed was some gas in the tank.”

Furthermore, developing core learning skills is actually incredibly easy. If you know what to do. Exercises that can easily be done at home in under 15 minutes per day. If parents knew how easy it was it would be very unlikely that they would pay the huge sums of money that learning centers charge.

Jane’s Story

This time will be different, Jane thought as she dressed for dinner.

Jane had always dreaded going to the Stevens house for dinner. It wasn’t that she didn’t like them. She did. Jane and Barbara had been best friends all through college. Their children had been born within a few months of each other. So they had played together since they were toddlers.

The last few years had been a struggle for Jane. Her son Joey was getting further and further behind in school. At first she passed it off as nothing. But when he was in the fourth grade she knew that he had passed that critical stage. That if she didn’t find a solution soon he would just continue the downward spiral.

Barbara’s son Alex was just the opposite. Everything came easy. He brought home spectacular reports without even trying. It didn’t seem fair.

Jane could never enjoy dinner with Barbara. The whole time she though about the dreaded question. Barbara would brag about Alex’s accomplishments. He had made honor roll. And then Dean’s list. Jane couldn’t bear to listen to it. She knew that the discussion would lead to Joey. Or worse yet. The subject would be knowingly avoided.

Knowing it was coming made the whole evening unpleasant.

But this evening Jane dressed with pleasure. She put on her favorite dress and her best jewelry. She carefully applied her makeup. Because tonight she would get to brag. And it felt incredible. After all those struggles and all those uncomfortable moments she was to have her day.

Joey had earned his first A. Plus he had several B’s to go with it. Huge leaps from his former D’s and F’s. Jane had reason to gloat and she planned on it. She even knew how she was going to do it. She was going to let the normal conversation run it’s course. Nothing different. Until it was time.

Jane had tried to help Joey in every way possible. Special tutors, extra hours at home, helping him with homework, special learning centers. Nothing helped. Not until she found a better way. Once she found it things changed. Joey started “getting it”. His confidence grew and the good grades folowed. Jane knew he was on the path to success.

And the biggest thing was Joey knew it too. All of a sudden he liked school. Jane looked forward to no longer having to fight with him about homework. She looked forward to dinners with the Stevens family again.

All because she learned how to help Joey build up the core foundations of learning.

If you have been confused about how to help your child overcome a learning difficulty it’s not your fault. Public schools, learning centers, and even expensive private schools do not give you the advice you need. The programs that are available are so expensive most people would need a second mortgage to pay for them. There’s no reason for that because it’s simply not that hard. It does not take years of training or any special training. They just don’t want you to know that.

The information has just never been available. Until now.

“It was so good to finally find the core problems!”
~Kim Scott, Graham Island New Zealand

There is no reason for your child to suffer for another day.

Having problems in school can be just devastating for a child. If they get pulled out of class to go to their “special” class all the kids know. Your child knows that they know. This can lead to teasing and social problems. It may lead to behavior problems or depression. It always leads to lowered self-esteem.

Instead you can get them onto the path of success. By building up the core learning skills your child will improve little by litle. Day by day they will gain confidence. Step by step they will become better learners. The Learning Success Program is truly success made simple. Simple exercises your child can do at home that strengthen the skills necessary for learning.

Kids Actually Love to Learn.

Learning is a fundamental desire for everyone. We are programmed to enjoy it. That is, unless the learning experience becomes painful. When a child has been through the wringer they become afraid. Afraid of disappointing you. Afraid of looking stupid. Afraid others will not accept them.

These fears build up into anxieties. Have you ever had an extreme anxiety? Do you remember what that feels like? Well that’s how a child can feel when school work is even mentioned. their anxieties build up to such extremes that they’ll do anything to avoid it.

You can take that anxiety away. The learning success program is designed to take the child through very small steps. Each tiny step builds confidence. Slowly leading them out of the abyss of fear and anxiety into a new found confidence. A confidence they will have for the rest of their life.

Did you know that you may be the only person in the world that can help your child overcome a learning problem?

That’s right. Not only are you the person with your child’s best interest at heart, you are also the person your child wants to please. If they think they may disappoint you that can be very scary for them. On the other hand if they can impress you they feel very good about themselves.

So the trick is to set them up for success. Give them small tasks that challenge just a little but don’t overwhelm. You will help them feel good about their successes. All those little successes add up to big successes.

Pretty soon your child will become a new person.

Bypass Your Child’s Fear Triggers

There is actually some very amazing brain science behind the process of taking these tiny steps. If a goal seems too large it actually activates the amygdala. The amygdala is like a lookout. Always looking for danger. When it is triggered it takes over. It shuts down the cortex, the thinking part of the brain. It raises the blood pressure and triggers an adrenalin release. Access to the cortex, the thinking brain, is restricted to a minimum. It actually steals the blood energy needed to think clearly. A child in this state actually can’t think.

This is called an amygdala hijack and you’ll want to avoid it at all costs. Because no one can think during an amygdala hijack.

Small, easy exercises let you tiptoe around the amygdala and not wake it up. Until one day when those goals don’t seem so big and scary anymore. When that happens the amygdala settles down. It’s no longer so reactive.

That’s why we are so big on breaking things down. Because by doing so you avoid the amygdala hijack and let the thinking part of the brain work.

Slow and steady wins the race.

The Brain is a Magic Thing

Have you ever heard of Neuroplasticity? Well up until recently no one else had either. It’s a pretty new discovery in neuroscience.

Neuroplasticity is what gives the brain the ability to grow and adapt. To develop new skills. To actually develop new abilities. In a way, it allows you to have a new brain. A brain that is better, smarter, and with more skills.

Science and Ancient Knowledge Unite

Science has just discovered this but the truth is that the ancients have known this for millenia. The exercises that cause neuroplasticity are called cross lateral exercises. Meaning they cross the bodies midline. And these exercises have been practiced in certain forms of Kung Fu for thousands of years.

The learning success program includes these exercises. Just the ones you need. It breaks them down step by step so they are super easy to learn. Do these a couple minutes each day and you will see big changes.

In the first of these exercises we stabilize the eyes and develop stronger eye muscles. This one little thing is critical for dyslexia, dyscalculia, and dysgraphia. Without the ability to stabilze the eyes the letters jump all over the page. So do numbers. Can you imagine how hard it would be to read or do math if all the letters or numbers jumped around?

It’s really one of the easiest things you can do and has very fast results. That’s why we include lots of exercises to both stabilize the eyes and develop strong eye muscles.

Supercharge Your Child’s Brain

The mind body exercises included in the learning Success program actually supercharge the brain. It’s these unique mind body exercises, taken from a very ancient and rare form of Kung Fu, that actually cause new neurons to form.

These exercises can actually cause the brain to grow up to 2,000 new neurons a day. Sinc each neuron can have 10,000 connections that’s a lot of new processing power

You actually upgrade your child’s brain. With this amazing upgrade, learning becomes easier. The core learning skills will develop faster. With the core learning skills in place academics then become easy.

And there’s actually a bonus here. When you do these exercises you actually build up the hippocampus. The hippocampus plays a part in learning and memory. When the hippocampus grows the amygdala shrinks. there is an inverse relationship between the two.

So less reacting and more learning.

The Core Learning Skills

In addition to supercharging the brain the program develops these core learning skills:

  • Visual tracking – this is the ability to look at something and follow it as it moves. This is needed for a reader to be able to follow a line of print without losing their spot.
  • Visual memory – this allows us to remember things that we have seen moments before. Playing memory games can help children with this skill.
  • Visual closure – this allows our brain to close up, or picture a whole image even if it is not all there. For example, if a circle is almost closed, our brain will close it for us, if we see a house with half a window, it will draw one in for us. This will help the reader recognize sight words and read a whole word without having to read every letter.
  • Visual discrimination – this lets us see differences between two things that are similar. This helps us from being confused when we see “was and saw”, that we can tell the two words apart.
  • Visual form constancy – this is the ability to mentally turn objects, so they can distinguish difference in shape and size an orientation. This is needed to help children not reverse letters and numbers.
  • Auditory memory – this is the ability to hear information, store it in your mind and be able to recall it later. Without a good auditory memory students may have a hard time remembering words and sounds that they heard.
  • Working memory – this is the ability to use your memory to store information and use it at the same time, information comes in you and you process it and store it at the same time. It allows you to plan ahead, solve problems and pay attention.
  • Directionality – this is when you incorporate up down, behind and ahead into your learning. If the students do not have directionality they will have difficulty discerning d from b or p and q.
  • Eye hand coordination – your eyes send split second information to your brain about what it sees; if hand eye coordination is weak, it makes it more difficult to read.
  • Auditory Closure – this is the ability to decode a word after only hearing part of the word. If you hear breakf… you should be able to decode the word is breakfast.
  • Auditory discrimination – this is the brain’s ability to hear a sound and distinguish it from other sounds, organize the sounds and make sense of them. They may have difficulty with background noise, although there is nothing wrong with their hearing.

Don’t let the technical terms fool you. All these skills are easy to understand and develop. The Learning Success Program will cover each of these skills very thoroughly. Developing the core learning skills needed for success in school.

Homework Becomes Easier

How would life feel if homework battles went away? If grades soared and there was no more fighting over schoolwork? Take a moment and imagine how that will feel.

  • No more time wasted fighting over homework
  • Happier kids with better grades
  • Take back control of your life

You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on expensive learning centers. Centers that often don’t even work. You don’t have to try to get help from a school system that is so overloaded they can’t help. You can easily work with your child at home. In only 15-20 minutes per day you’ll help your child overcome their learning difficulty. Parents are the best at this anyway. There is no one who knows your child better than you. That means with the right tools you will quickly get to the core of the program.

This program is the first step in getting your child back on track.

The Learning Success Program

The learning success program is a simple do-at-home program that will show you how to find the core problems and overcome them. Learning is made up of basic core skills. There are 16 of them in all. Typical learning difficulties are small weaknesses in a combination of two or three of these skills. Learning difficulties are categorized under a variety of names such as:

  • Dyslexia
  • Dyscalculia
  • Dysgraphia

Each of these terms simply means that there is a weakness in two or more of these basic learning skills. But it doesn’t define which. Once you get started in the course you’ll quickly find the trouble spots. Once you do that your child will be on the path to learning success. You will learn simple exercises that strengthen the skills needed for successful learning. Modern scientific breakthroughs have discovered a number of methods for overcoming these problems. Once you do your child will actually enjoy homework.

“I GREATLY appreciate the program!!! We have tried other things, but none gave us the immediate success that your program has! One child says they NEED to start their home school day with the exercises, since it makes her other work easier.”
~Lynn Winkler, Hazen ND

Here’s What Will Happen Once You Order

As soon as you order you will be directed to the preparation page. This is the page that tells you how to get ready to start the program. It will list all the things you’ll need handy. Don’t worry these are all very simple little things, many of which you probably already have around the house. You’ll just want to get them organized and ready to go.

The next morning you will receive your first exercise. It will be sent by email. You’ll simply print it out, read the very simple instructions, and instruct your child how to do the exercise.

You will then continue to receive exercises by email. This will build up a repertoire of exercises you will do each day. As your child gets more comfortable with them you will build up to doing four to seven exercises each day. Each one taking only a few minutes. As the beginning exercises become less challenging you will switch them out with the new, slightly more challenging exercises. I will be sending you new exercises on a regular basis so you are sure to have enough.

This allows you to adjust the program perfectly for your child. I’ll teach you how to do that so that you have a program perfectly created for your child. A perfect custom fit created by you.

But that’s not all. Because all learning difficulties are different I want to throw in these bonuses. So if your child has difficulties in other areas I’ve got you covered.

Bonus 1 – Exercises that really focus on the fundamental skills needed for reading These exercises focus on the problems associated with dyslexia. Children learn to track better with their eyes and still the letters on the page. They’ll master the letters like q’s and p’s or b’s and d’s that give them the most trouble. A must for any child with symptoms of dyslexia.

Bonus 2 – Dyscalculia exercises. If math is a problem then these exercises will set your child on the path to math success. Dyscalculia is a lot like dyslexia only more about numbers than letters. These exercises help your child build the skills necessary to overcome dyscalculia symptoms

Bonus 3 – Handwriting (dysgraphia) exercises. Most kids with learning difficulties need to build stronger fine motor skills. When they don’t have these skills handwriting suffers. Handwriting is actually one of the most important things to start with. This is where the earliest success will happen. So start here and give your child some successes they can build on.

Bonus 4 – Unlimited Email Support As easy as our program is I still want to make sure you get all the help you get. So if you have any questions at all I’m just an email away. You have a partner in this.

“My daughter has responded very well to the activities. She’s improving and we’re so excited. I am so thankful that we found this program! We will make sure to refer other parents who might benefit.”
~Jennifer Young, Gig Harbor Wa

Free 15 day trial

If it’s not right for you simply cancel and pay nothing. Two convenient payment options. $49 a month or pay yearly and save!

I can't wait to see you on the path to success.

Learning Success

It’s important that you get started now. TODAY! You don’t want your child to suffer another day. Get your child on the path to getting great grades and success in school.

Here’s what I want you to do. Click on the order button. That will take you to our secure order page. We use the highest level of security possible on our secure order page. So click over and shop with confidence now.

I can’t wait to see your child on the path to success.

Liz Weaver

Learning Success

P.S. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

P.S. The price you pay for the Learning Success course includes unlimited email support and 3 free gifts. I challenge you to find anyone else, anywhere, who can equal this incredible offer.

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